Datafiltr Customer Story

Leeds Trinity University

A case study showing how Leeds Trinity University is using Datafiltr to implement a new approach to subject level outreach and recruitment working with their academic colleagues.

Lauren Cobb

Schools and Colleges Engagement Manager. Leeds Trinity University.

The Leeds Trinity University Schools and Colleges Engagement team have, this current academic year, adopted a particular focus on improving the way we work with our academic colleagues and create a differentiated approach to subject level outreach and recruitment.

As a team, we decided to take a data driven approach to this and the use of Datafiltr became intrinsic in helping us to activate, nurture and sustain improved relationships with academic colleagues.

Alongside our internal application data, we presented each Head of School and Subject Recruitment Champion with ‘cold-spot’ data pulled from Datafiltr, where we can pin-point sixth forms and colleges where students are sending lots of applications to UCAS for their specific subject area but where students weren’t applying to study the subject at Leeds Trinity University.

Using insights from our data in Datafiltr has already paid fantastic dividends

When taking this approach with the school of Sport and Wellbeing, we were then able to target a careers fair at a specific college where Sport and Exercise Sciences (HECoS) applications to us had dropped whilst UCAS applications for Sport and Exercise Sciences courses from the college remained high.

Consequently, rather than just attending the fair as a Schools and Colleges Engagement team, we agreed a sports academic would also attend the careers fair and deliver a presentation on their suite of subjects

It was well targeted as the amount of enquiries at the careers fair for Sport and Wellbeing courses was high and, to further re-engage with the college, we have since arranged a Sport Subject Focus Visit for their Year 12 sports students in order to and drive another rise in applications.

Datafiltr (has) became intrinsic in helping us to activate, nurture and sustain improved relationships with academic colleagues

Using insights from our data in Datafiltr has already paid fantastic dividends and we will continue to develop this effective method of working more closely with internal colleagues.

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