Instant School Search
Instant access to rich data from over 13,000 UK school campuses in seconds.

Applications Data
Look up a school's application history using a combination of your own data, national application data and our own market share enrichment.

Subject Applications
Dig right down to subject level application information about a school. And see the history for your University's applications, national applications and our market share enrichment.

Easy to read POLAR4, POLAR3 and IMD data broken down by apply centre and quintiles. Perfect for Widening Participation work.

Nearby schools
Find target schools nearby and maximise the potential of every journey you make.

Detailed information about every school instantly
Profile data broken down by campus using enriched government data
Related to
History and relationships to other schools/campuses
Geographically close schools for optimising travel
History of your University's interactions with a school and insights
Your list of contacts for the school stored securely
General Notes
Useful notes about a school you may want to share in your University
Detailed breakdown of applications data through to subject level detail for JACS and HECoS
Applications breakdown by domicile
Applications breakdown by competitor
POLAR applications
Breakdown of POLAR4 and POLAR3 data
IMD applications*
Breakdown of IMD data
Census information
Regional government census information
Attainment information
Regional government attainment information
Destinations information
Regional government student destinations
Courses and qualifications
Entries by course and qualification type
Want to know more?
You could be up and running smoothly before you know it. Book a 15-20 demonstration where we'll work through how Datafiltr can support you and your institution.
Or talk to us on +44 1395 777788